Thursday, January 5, 2012

Harry Potter? Just another page turner?

Okay so today in class I wasn't paying attention (just like always) and I was thinking about Harry Potter (just like always) and then a thought came to me, why are all my classmates obsessed with the Hunger Games, Twilight etc... and then I thought, why am I not? Why are they so different from Harry Potter, and I've always know that simple facts Harry Potter is my childhood, it's a lifestyle, etc... and then I thought, why can't these books still be my lifestyle and childhood? I'm still a child, I didn't start Harry Potter a long time ago so it wouldn't matter right? But then a thought hit me. Harry Potter is NOT just a page turner, it is NOT a story that is made to entertain you, or just get you to buy it, it's made to be YOUR story, you know how EVERY book has a moral inside it? Well Harry Potter has more than just one, it has a lifetime of lessons. And the most important thing? It gives you something to hold on to, somewhere to exist, and makes you someone to be. Most stories are just fun and exciting but Harry Potter is warm and welcoming, it's made for you and your challenges it brings you friends closer than anything you could imagine, and makes you someone you want to be. With Harry Potter not only did I go on thrilling and fun adventures, I went home, I went to a place so out of this world it felt like it was all mine. Harry Potter does bring magic. Wait woah I don't believe in sorcery but I do believe in love, I do believe in imagination and I do believe in friendship, this is more than any type of sorcery anyone could ever try to do. This is Harry Potter. And this is why the fandom will keep on growing and growing and this is why nothing can be compared to this legend. So yeah if people ask me why I love Harry Potter so much, this is what I'm going to tell them, and hope that one day they can experience the magic  that I got the pleasure of experiencing. (Gosh that sounds perverted) ~Hannah

Friday, December 9, 2011

Your Life With Ron Weasley.

I thought the world just needed to read this blog. "Your Life With Ron Weasley" is officialy tied with "My Immortal." If you haven't read either of the two, I advise you don't. Or do. You can. If you want. But let me warn you, they are bad. No. Just a shame to Harry Potter. I hate you TARA. I can't read this anymore, I just can't. I've become dyslexic. I can't even spell, I mean I had to go back and fix this post, you should be glad I did, because if I didn't it would look like this. "I thuohght hte owrld ujst eended rd htis bolg...." I'm not going to continue becuase obviously you get the idea. Admin Luna and I were going to make a commentary about this but we just couldn't it gave us dyslexia, A.D.D, and just major stupidity. I HATE YOU TARA!! Did I mention that? Oh well guta read bye!

My Immortal and Your Life With Ron Weasley

Has anyone ever read the above fanfictions?? They scar you. For life. These fanfictions SUCK. There are no worse fanfictions out there. I just have to say what HORRIBLE pieces of "writing" these are. Seriously go look them up. They are both about an emo chick (*coughcoughMARYSUEcoughcough*) who dates Draco/Ron and has sex with them just about every. Freaking. Minute. And the authors can't even describe a sex scene well. My Immortal, for example, has one of their sex scenes like this: he stuck his thingy in my you-know-what. That's it. No elaboration what so ever. And you wanna hear the award for worst spell EVER invented? CROOKSHANKS! Stopicus is a close second. Please read this and laugh at it. That is all. XD

Monday, November 28, 2011


Has anyone ever realized how freaking AMAZING pirates are??? I've been watching Pirates of the Caribbean. I'm on a pirate tyrade! (Is that a word?? I feel like it's not. :P) Wouldn't it be so fun to make a map that leads to your treasure?? And even more amazing to follow. Jack Sparrow is a beast. Oh, excuse me. CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow. I have a strange obsession with anything that looks quirky and amazing and weird and old and..... and... ahhh. Like skeleton keys, old corked bottles with questionable subtances in them, old-fashioned looking maps and globes. Give me anything of the sort and I'll obsess over it. TRY ME. Seriously, do it. I need new things to obsess over. Like blogging. I'll post things more, I promise. I think I might have synesthesia. A very small case, but still slightly. It's when for example, if you see a word, you think of a color. I think that's what I have. Give me the letter B. I see aqua, with kind of a glowy ring around it in a slightly darker shade. Give me... hypothermia. It's ice blue, then fades into dark blue, then into a slightly blue-ish purple. Skeleton: ivory, with little cracks and holes inside the letters. I'm not sure if I have synesthesia, or I'm just overly creative with my words. I'll take either one. ;)Have I spent enough time ranting??? I don't think so. You I've actually made up multiple fictional lands and areas. Brookitopia- my world. Alegon- A land of fire and magma. I have a very over-active imagination. I see something weird fly across the sky, I automatically assume it was a dragon until my brain realizes that dragons. AREN'T. REAL. I'm gonna post more, I swear. This is a long post to make up for it. You know gymnastics is really hard sometimes? I mean, it wasn't today because my usual coach wasn't there and it was REALLLYYYYY easy. Yeah, kind of a wasted practice. But, I met this one coach who is really awesome and actually explains things instead of just telling you to fix them. But she's really nice. And Russian. XD Well, I'm going now. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides- here I come!
~Captain Luna~

Friday, November 25, 2011

If it's not about you; no one give a poop's darn

Okay so my parent's friends are gossiping to my non-caring parents more then lifeless schoolgirls. Sadly no one gives a darn, because I have known more 10 year old that have done more in their lives then the people who they're gossiping about, and yet they can't shut up. "O.M.G. Did you hear that she bought a new dress? It is sooooo pretty! and she got it on this AHMAZING black friday sale!" LOL guess what MY PARENTS DON'T CARE! They have a life! So stop being such an immature 40-something year old and start doing things that are good for you in life. I mean at least I have a blog and a few facebook and twitter pages that could eventually get me famous (not) but I still get to talk to you guys, so that's fun. But Siriusly, am I the only one with the misfortune of knowing someone so old and yet so immature?

The media makes people suck and be shallow.

Okay so my cousins are over and we were waching Disney Channel, and my mom's friend comes over and just like watches with us right. So Michelle Obama comes up and she's takling about something and what does my mom's ugly ass friend say? "Oh my gosh she's so ugly." Bitch! That is Michelle Obama! Her husband is the first Black President of America and he's a fail at it too! But Michelle Obama actually tries to do something about kid's health. Why? Because she actually cares! So I'd like to see your troll face on TV while you change the world to be a better place. Oh right you can't cause your four year old daughter has a higher I.Q. You know what Michelle Obama is doing? She is trying to bring health to kids worldwide. What are you doing? Making your own two kids sick and obese. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.
~Your beautiful not so usually pottymouthed Hannah

Harry Potter is not a religion!

Okay so I was chillin' on facebook doing photospams and whatever my troll self does and then I see that a page called "Harry Potter is not just a book it's a religion" huh? Okay no. Harry Potter is my life. Yes that's true. But what kind of religion is it? I don't think J.K Rowling wants to be some sort of God. I mean she's a queen, not a God.